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"Naturally raised, Naturally good"


Here at Rancho Seco, growing and raising our livestock and garden goods is a family affair.  We spend time each evening teaching the children the responsibility that comes with caring for  animals and raising healthy food.  Together, we raise and grow a variety of farm fresh products including Pesticide- free Fruits/Vegetables, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chickens, Rabbits and Eggs. We also offer a variety of pantry goods such as pickled cucumbers, pickled okra, salsas, jams and jellies all made with fresh ingredients grown here on the ranch.


We teach and practice a traditional way of raising and growing our livestock and produce.  We do our best to ensure they  are naturally and humanely raised with no antibiotics, added hormones, medicated feeds or manufactured animal by products.  Our livestock are raised on our pesticide, herbicide free pastures and supplemented with a mix of non-gmo grains.  All of our animals receive plenty of fresh water from the Carizzo/Wilcox aquifer. 


In keeping with tradition, the majority of our livestock are Heritage breeds. Our livestock  consist of  Wagyu X Texas Longhorn cattle,Berkshire pigs, Dorper sheep, a colorful variety of Heritage chickens and California rabbits.  We have selected Heritage breeds that are known for  producing lean meat and eggs that are low in cholesterol, and high in omega 3's, vitamins and nutrients. They are also hardy breeds with great foraging skills,  good temperament, and are ideal for pastures and small farms.   Our Livestock are all bred, born, raised and finished on our ranch. They are then minimally processed at a USDA inspected facility and flash frozen to lock in freshness.


Happy animals make good food!



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